Chapter 3 Methods

If there is only one batch in the input data, the online tool only take the data normalization step. If there are multiple batches in the input data, the online tool normalize the data in each batch first and then take the batch effect correction. Figure 3.1 shows the the general workflow of the tool.

Workflow of the online tool

Figure 3.1: Workflow of the online tool

3.1 Single Batch

If the input data is in a single batch, the online tool only takes the normalization step. The following normalization methods are implemented in the online tool.

3.1.1 Sample Loading

This method assumes that the summation of abundance for all the proteins is the same for all the sample.

3.1.2 Median

The median normalization is based on the assumption that the median of protein abundance is the sample for all the samples.

3.1.3 Quantile

In quantile normalization, the quantile of each sample is replaced by the mean of the same quantile of all the sample (Bolstad et al. 2003).

3.2 Multiple Batches

If the input data contains samples from multiple batches, the online tool will take normalization step for each batch first and then remove the batch effect between different batches. Now we have implemented the following batch effect correction methods in the tool.

3.2.1 ComBat

We used ComBat method in R package sva. The details of the method can be file in the paper (Johnson, Li, and Rabinovic 2007).

3.2.2 Limma

Function removeBatchEffect in R package limma (Ritchie et al. 2015) is used to remove the batch effect.

3.2.3 IRS

This method is based on the same pooling sample across different batches. It assumes that the pooling samples have the same protein abundance at different batches and calculates a scaling factor from this assumption. The details of this method can be found at (Plubell et al. 2017).


Bolstad, Benjamin M, Rafael A Irizarry, Magnus Åstrand, and Terence P. Speed. 2003. “A Comparison of Normalization Methods for High Density Oligonucleotide Array Data Based on Variance and Bias.” Bioinformatics 19 (2): 185–93.
Johnson, W Evan, Cheng Li, and Ariel Rabinovic. 2007. “Adjusting Batch Effects in Microarray Expression Data Using Empirical Bayes Methods.” Biostatistics 8 (1): 118–27.
Plubell, Deanna L, Phillip A Wilmarth, Yuqi Zhao, Alexandra M Fenton, Jessica Minnier, Ashok P Reddy, John Klimek, Xia Yang, Larry L David, and Nathalie Pamir. 2017. “Extended Multiplexing of Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) Labeling Reveals Age and High Fat Diet Specific Proteome Changes in Mouse Epididymal Adipose Tissue.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 16 (5): 873–90.
Ritchie, Matthew E, Belinda Phipson, Di Wu, Yifang Hu, Charity W Law, Wei Shi, and Gordon K Smyth. 2015. “Limma Powers Differential Expression Analyses for RNA-Sequencing and Microarray Studies.” Nucleic Acids Research 43 (7): e47–47.